WARNING: You will be able to TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE after attending our workshop
Do you feel like your life is out of control and you can't do anything about it?
You are not alone!
We’ve all been there. Sometimes it seems that no matter what we do, we can’t seem to get control of our life.
But there is a way!
There are things that you can start doing today to get your life back under control. That’s why we developed the 6 Steps to Take Control of Your Life workshop.
In this workshop, you’re going to learn six key foundations of taking control of your life:
  • Where you are in your life and where you want to go
  • Why you really do what you do
  • How to get what you really want in life
  • ​How to take control of your time
  • ​How to take control of your finances
  • ​How to take control of your health
This two day interactive workshop is not loaded with just a bunch of theory. You will learn and apply specific strategies and techniques that have made us successful in all these areas. This is the result of many years of trials and errors to figure out what really works in life, family, relationships, work and business.
And right now, you can do it in 2 days.

We already know you are an achiever. If you weren't, you wouldn’t be here reading this.
You already know that successful people accelerate their growth by learning from others who have already done what it is that they want to do. And we are so happy to be able to share our experiences to help you get back control of your life!
But knowledge without execution gets you nowhere. We have all been there: attending a great seminar or workshop, reading a great book, or taking a great course. What makes things stick and creates positive change is execution.
We have designed this workshop with this in mind. We have included exercises and activities throughout that will allow you to apply what you are learning right on the spot. You will come away with real results that will begin improving your life on the spot.

Here's how it works...
We will help you learn the things that have allowed us to make massive change in our lives and businesses.
It was both an honor and a privilege to be in the company of seasoned, experienced and successful people who have shared their life experiences. Thank you for valuable tips that I consider "nuggets of gold".
Einar A. - Senior Manager
I am so honored to be part of this session with all of these amazing leaders in their own respective companies and communities. Our growth is limitless if we will but continually seek out learnings, experiences and people we will surround ourselves with.
Nyla P - Sr. VP Operations
Let’s break it all down.


November 21, 2020 / 2-5 P.M. (GMT +8)

Day 1 is all about breaking through what is holding your back. You will learn how to assess where you are at in your life, why you do the things you do, and how to get what you really want.


November 22, 2020 / 2-5 P.M. (GMT +8)

Day 2 is about transforming what you do to be able take control of key areas of your life. You will learn actual techniques from successful entrepreneurs on how they accomplish more in less time and achieve exponential results.
The journey is incredible and the destination is amazing.
Join us for the 6 Steps to Take Control of Your Life!
Don’t wait, register today!

Regular price ₱5,000
Special Limited Time Offer ₱2,500 until November 20, 2020 only!
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